Becky Miller Meet the Designer-Artist

Where do you live?

I live in the Midwest; Wichita, Kansas

What inspires you as a designer-artist?

Flowers! I love all things floral, and in my opinion, girls can't have enough flowers, of any kind.

What medium do you work with mostly?

I work with polymer, paper and precious metal clay. But is the polymer clay I mostly work with these days. This clay is amazing, highly sculpt-able, lightweight and durable. A perfect world for jewelry and your neck.

Why did you become enchanted with this style of jewelry-making?

There are many creative people in the world, and I wanted to make something different. I love working with my hands. You can take a brick of clay and turn it into something special. I do not use casts, molds or cutters. Everything I do is hand sculpted.

Where and How do you sell your jewelry?

I have my own website. I attend five to ten art shows across the country each year. Plus, my work is represented and sold in art galleries and botanical gardens.

What is the name of the piece in the image?

Pretty Pansies

What inspired this design?

This piece of inspiration was from the pansies in my cottage garden at my bed and breakfast that I own and operate. The pansy is such a happy, pretty flower. The pansy comes in all sorts of colors and they are all equally lovely.

How did it come together?

When I start to sculpt, I usually have an idea in mind, but quite often the clay takes on a life of its own. There is always an element of surprise and delight when the project is finished.

View all of Becky's designs in the Gallery of Designs.