Using TierraCast® BeadAligners™ with Large-Hole Beads and Mini Bead Huggers™


Step 1
Mini bead hugger on beading wire

String one Mini Bead Hugger and one bead adapter onto the beading wire. Work the Mini Bead Hugger into the hole of the bead adapter.

Step 2
Bead strung on beading wire

String one large-hole bead and another bead adapter onto the beading wire.

Step 3
Second bead hugger holding in beads

String onto the wire another Mini Bead Hugger and work it into the hole of the bead adapter to keep beads snug and in place.

Optional: Using E-6000 adhesive, glue the bead adapter into the large hole bead before stringing.

Have a question regarding this project? Email Customer Service.